Saturday, July 31, 2010

Soak Up The Sun

At the beach we should be wearing shorts but some of us are selling short.

An article caught my eye in the news scroll at the top of this blog page. I know this is a slight diversion from the original intention of this blog, but I feel that the subject is important to a lot of us who live here at the beach. Although the author focuses on home values dropping particularly at the beach, she provided a link to some helpful information that I also want to share with all of you.

According to the article, upwards of 52 percent of recent home sales are homes being sold through bank sales (foreclosures) and short sales. If you happen to find yourself in this situation (and my heart goes out to you if you do) this information might help.  There is a "Short Sale Seller Advisory" guide provided by NEFAR (Northeast Florida Associations of Realtors) which can give insight into "some of the issues and risks associated with short sales and provides resources and considerations that may be beneficial to you in making decisions regarding your home." For what it's worth, if you are facing possible foreclosure or a short sale (and I truly hope not one person reading this actually needs this guide), it might help you think things through.

I am grateful and so appreciative to be in my home. It's my dream beach house. I realize though that it's not so much the house, but where it is. I live in paradise. The only way it could be more perfect would be if I lived directly on the beach and could fall asleep with the windows open to the sound of crashing waves. The ultimate dream! I know that if I ever did find myself in the situation of having to sell my home, I'd do my best to stay here at the beach--a small apartment, roommates, just a roof over my head on this side of the ditch...yes, I'm spoiled. I would so miss the ocean breeze and laid back lifestyle.

Please use the comment section below if you have any other resources to share regarding getting through a short sale/foreclosure or if you have a story of your own that might help someone else.

I know the economy will turn around...but I wish it would hurry up! How many of us are just hanging on? It has made me focus on being grateful for what I do have.

From the song "Soak Up The Sun" by Sheryl Crow...

     It's not having what you want. It's wanting what you've got.

Beach. Happiness. I've got it.

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