Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yogalosophy Anyone?

This post is totally off my normal routine, BUT I ran across this yoga routine and just had to share it. I'm a complete yoga novice but this seemed really easy to follow and like it would work on all the right places. The instructor's name is Mandy Ingber and she teaches what she calls "yogalosophy." Let me know what you think.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday: How to Start the Hump Day

Well, by now you know my favorite place for breakfast...isn't it yours too? Yesterday morning I had to run my Mom on some errands and she took me out to breakfast...early. At least for me it was pretty early to be out on the town doing breakfast during the week--we had coffee in our cups by 7:15--yikes!

Only thing missing--crispy home fries!
My Mom is so cute--she doesn't eat much. All she ordered was one scrambled egg and a biscuit. That's it. I, on the other hand, had eggs (egg substitutes actually) with an English muffin and crisp bacon. I really wanted the home fries too (love 'em cooked crispy) but trying to cut back a little on the starchy stuff. Btw, you'll never find grits on my plate. Is that a "Southern sin?" Hope not. Just never developed that taste. So here's my breakfast with my Mom's biscuit in the background--exciting, yes?

Usually, I go to Beach Hut on the weekend and I love the crowd. Mostly locals, either headed for the beach, recovering from the night before or just up and out early getting together with friends. But during the week, there's a somewhat different dynamic among the sausage, grits, biscuits and gravy. When I looked around, I noticed there seemed to be a lot of "business" going on from table to table. Not every table by any means, but at some.

A guy walks in with the paper, looks around for someone who he doesn't see, takes a table and reads the morning news while he waits. Then a big hello and a handshake as his breakfast partner finds him. I even saw a former Jaguar sitting with a couple of "business-looking types" (dare I call them suits?) deep in discussion. Is it different doing business at the beach?

And Beach Hut is a very comfortable place to have a "meeting." Our server paused at the table next to us, gently rested her hand on one of the diner's shoulders and asked, "Do y'all want to talk first? I know you usually like to talk for awhile..." flashing a smile at the group.

Just coffee--no cream, no sugar!
Even on the most crowded weekend mornings, I have never felt rushed. I do have compassion for the hungry folks waiting to get their Complete Country Breakfast (definitely what to order if you're hungry) so I don't dilly-dally too long after my last cup of coffee.

I'm gonna treat myself to weekday breakfasts more often. And it's definitely on my list of a relaxed place to meet with clients. Beach Hut Cafe...for me it's not just for weekends anymore!